Theresa and I share a great passion for vintage things. It was through that passion that we met. She has been a great supporter of Urban Prairie and myself. Thanks Theresa for inviting me to be a guest on your blog.

I've been designing my whole life. Whether it was graphic design, home decor, photo styling or fashion. When I began collecting vintage objects and incorporating them into my design work, things changed. I noticed that I wasn't drawn to the same kind of things that others saw as pretty. I think I've always seen things a little different. I like to take things people don't see as beautiful and somehow make them beautiful. I find inspiration everywhere, in everyday things. It's in those simple, rusted, faded; almost mundane things that I try and force people to look at in a new light.

I live in the heart of Texas with my loving wife and our two beautiful daughters. For the most part, I never find it necessary to leave the Lone Star state when in search of great treasures and oddities. Why would I when Texas offers probably the best Antique Shows twice a year? One of the greatest things Theresa and I have in common is our pure love, almost obsession, with the Round Top/Warrenton Antique Show. Theresa sells her vintage wares and finds there to collectors that come from all over the U.S. and Europe. It's there that I go to recharge my creative battery, visit old friends and add to my collection of oddities.

One of my collections I've seem to become most known for is my cracked doll heads. There is something strangely beautiful within those faded, worn faces that I love. I have put that collection together in a soon to be released book called "Crack Heads". It showcases the collection in a way, which again, forces people to see beauty in vintage, sometimes odd objects.